"Country Fair Drinking Jar"... so preshhh. Now i want to go to a country fair!
Unfortunately though, I've noticed a trend about myself lately..I kill flowers. dangittt. I can't help it! I'm too forgetful, ugh. I'm hoping this is just a phase and I will learn how to keep them alive, but for now I am sticking to fabric flowers or fake flowers.
I really thought I hated fake flowers, and I know most people do... but I found some at JoAnn's the other day that I think look pretty! Especially compared to my dead flowers whose innocent lives I've taken in the next room.
These flowers, combined with a tiny bit of greenery and some spanish moss make for a quick & easy floral arrangement centerpiece with a down-home country feeling. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy..
Have a wonderful weekend! Go to a country fair for me! :)
Wow. I need me some drinking jars in my life!